Although I have been aware of the importance of the growth mindset, consciously reflecting on my own beliefs about students’ learning reminded me of all the examples when I practice the fixed mindset. Too often I tell to myself, “Oh, this student is very smart! Oh, this student is unlikely to pass my class!” So I know I need to do better. Fortunately, I just started teaching my Research in Psychology class, and can practice while the ideas are so fresh in my mind. First, I’ll try to approach the grading somewhat differently. For example, I have already told to my students that basically all the homeworks they submit (e.g., literature review) are graded on the pass/fail basis. But the more they will put work into them, the more detailed feedback they will get from me, which will prepare them better for the final project – the research paper. I also thought that it would be good to embed the ideas about the mindset into the content of the course. So I will be using some materials provided by Dr. Totonchi to teach them about the growth mindset, and then they will do their research group projects related to the topic of learning and mindsets. They will still have a lot of freedom in choosing their specfic research questions, and designing a study to answer them. Looking forward to reporting back on how it goes!

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