Reflection for Topic 4: Social Forces & Student Learning

There were various strategies shared during the days devoted to the topic of Social Forces & Student Learning, both time tested and new.  I am eager to try many of them and will describe this further below.

I also think that before any classroom strategies, it is essential to plan a course with clarity and organization to provide a clear framework for students to operate from. In an online environment, using the platform to design course content in an intuitive way that is also aesthetically welcoming, greets the student with a sense of calm and approachability.  What I found very valuable was the online certification training program offered by the school’s e-learning center. It was rigorous and I remember at times experiencing my own confusion. I held on to that memory as wanted to put myself in the students shoes and consider what might be confusing and cumbersome to them and anticipate this as much as possible.

To dive into strategies that were presented during Topic 4, I believe it was Dr. Jennifer Cromley who described asking students to make their own visual representation of a concept.  I could see this applying nicely when lecturing on the various Theories of Emotion. There are so many theorists weighing in on this concept and having students create their own representation of this will be valuable in distinguishing the theories (James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Schachter-Singer, Cognitive Appraisal, Facial Feedback). When I shared this proposed application of the visual representation strategy in our breakout group, a colleague suggested that I can have students share their work with the class. I very much like this idea.

Many rich discussions are experienced when students share diverse cultural perspectives on concepts. I remember a beautiful share from a student related to the topic of altruism and conditions that can increase helping behavior. One student described that in their culture, it wasn’t a matter of choosing to help, but rather if an opportunity to help was presented before you, it was because it was meant for you to help. Creating more opportunities for cross-cultural discussion and understanding expands learning.

I also like the strategy titled, Think, Pair, and Share that was described. I utilize a version of this approach in my breakout rooms. Additionally, I intend to use the strategy of having students create their own test questions. I might also try a post-test follow-up question, such as, “What topic or concept do you wish I had included more questions about on the last exam?” This may provide insight into topics that particularly resonated.

Referring back to my reflection pertaining to Motivation and Persistence, I mentioned the assignment prompt that I offer for students to share the strategies that they use when motivation isn’t enough. It shows to me that my students are thinking deeply about ways to maximize their success and utilize various time management tools, technology, and the principles of psychology (before ever taking this course) to keep them on track. They then expand upon their existing strategies and consider new tools, such as those introduced in the reading (ex. Getting Things Done – GTD).

To wrap up my reflection, appreciating students’ strengths is key. To me, the fact that many of our students are juggling jobs, caring for family, made a brave move to a new city or country, along with taking classes are examples of their strength and courage. Many students have one focus during their college years, to succeed in their classes. Our students are often juggling much more and future employers should be seeking candidates that show this fortitude.

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