Topic 2: My reflection on motivation and persistence
Many thanks to Dr. Johnson and Dr. Diley Hernandez for the amazing presentations on motivation and persistence. This is an area I […]
Many thanks to Dr. Johnson and Dr. Diley Hernandez for the amazing presentations on motivation and persistence. This is an area I […]
I have definitely conflated interest with motivation and fallen into the trap of thinking, “oh, if it’s interesting, students will be motivated […]
Jennifer Pinkney Pastor To increase motivation in my Cultural Psychology classes, I am planning the following changes in my courses: a focus […]
I struggle every semester to find the balance between content, assessment, relevancy, and interest while keeping in mind the brief time of […]
Keeping things interesting seems to help motivate students to some degree. If there’s a reason to come to class, if the material […]
Motivation and persistence is key to students’ successful degree completion. I enjoyed the numerous conversations that ensued from the presentations on this […]
The best motivation I find is self-interest. I try to encourage my students to think about my class as a stepping stone […]
Something that stuck with me was the importance to see the nuances in designing research. Particularly when you need to design practices […]
Motivation is always an issue in Research (PSY 265) and Stats (PSY 220). It’s pretty dry material for most students, and there […]
After listening to different perspectives in the breakout room, it appears that giving students autonomy to select options for a type of […]
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