Reflection 4: Social Forces and Student Learning

One strategy that students have to use is to summarize at least five peer-reviewed publications and integrate the findings across the papers. Some students struggle with knowing what information is most important in the publications or how to put that information into their own words. One thing I’d like to do is to use Annotate to provide feedback to students to help them with knowing what information is most important and/or if their summaries are too close to the original text. I think if we could help with this as students are reading and taking notes on papers, the feedback might be more helpful.

The mindfulness course already draws heavily on students’ experiences. Each week students have to reflect on their own practice of mindfulness and write about what worked, what obstacles they faced for practice, and how they tried to overcome those barriers. Each week in class, students are asked to contribute to group discussion about these same issues, so that others in class can learn from them, but also so that they can learn from their peers. One thing to think about is how to get all students to contribute to this discussion so that it is not the same individuals speaking all of the time. The Professor’s (my) reactions to other students’ responses is really important here to ensure that students know that their input is valued.

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